Resources for preaching on Matthew

meister_des_book_of_lindisfarne_001With Advent we have the start of a new liturgical twelvemonth, and the gospel for continuous reading is Matthew. Now is a good time to remember about the resources nosotros will need for preaching, reading and studying for the year ahead, and these are some of the things I take found helpful.

John Proctor's Grove bookletMatthew's Jesus is worth getting if you don't already have information technology. John works through the text giving a helpful overview, then addresses particular issues of interest, reflects on how to preach on Matthew, and offers further resources. He also writes in a very engaging and suggestive manner which offers ideas for thinking and speaking. Very helpful, and delivered mail service-free in the Britain. Additional online resources for the booklet list the lectionary Dominicus readings, and offer a list of older commentary resource.

When preaching or reading, information technology is always worth reaching for Tom Wright'southwardMatthew for Everyone (two parts). For my coin, on some of the tricky eschatological passages I don't recollect Wright is quite as clear as he is elsewhere—but the wealth of illustrations and insights e'er make these volumes worthwhile.

For commentaries proper, I confess to beingness a huge fan of the late R T France. His Tyndale commentary, although published some years ago, it wonderfully compact and packs many insights. And the large and more recent NIC commentary is splendid and worth reading aslope the shorter one. French republic pays close attending to the text, and unpicks challenging bug with existent insight whilst withal beingness readable. On more controversial bug, I call back France's position is the most persuasive; he was influenced by Caird and in plow influenced Wright.

Antony Billington of LICC has produced a really helpful listing of commentaries on Matthew, and also highlights the value of France's two volumes. He also highlights the value ofGrant R. Osborne's Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on Matthew. On medium length commentaries, Antony includes:

D.A. Carson, 'Matthew' in The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 9 (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2010).This is a very light revision of a commentary first published in 1984. Although 30 years old, the commentary is a model exposition and is still worth consulting. Carson is peculiarly helpful on those places where Matthew is using the Old Testament, and he doesn't fail theological issues when commenting on the text. The edition cited hither is jump with a handling of Mark by Walter W. Wessel and Mark 50. Strauss.

Charles H. Talbert, Matthew, Paideia Commentaries on the New Testament (Yard Rapids: Bakery Academic, 2010). An fantabulous contribution to this series, which is sensitive to literary concerns too as issues related to historical background, and is as well very helpful on how the gospel forms character.

See Antony's document for a full list.


In that location are some other studies worth having aslope commentaries as well. I accept actually valued the essays in the Tyndale collection from the conference of 2005 Congenital Upon the Stone: Studies in Matthew. It includes essays on some key questions effectually Matthew, including Matthew's source, his distinctive style, his human relationship with Judaism, the challenge of anti-Semitism in cardinal passages, and the dynamics of his use of the Old Attestation. Fascinating stuff offer some unique insights.

Mark Allen Powell offers ii unusual studies on aspects of Matthew.Chasing the Eastern Star looks at a range of means of engaging with the birth narrative in Matthew. You might not agree with everything he says, only it opens upwards new ways to engage with the passage. His edited volumeMethods for Matthew draws together different interpretative approaches to the gospel by dissimilar writers.

On a quite different note, Martin Goldsmith'southMatthew and Missionreads the text with a particular eye on its missional interests, and is quite devotional.

I have likewise written a number of blog posts on aspects and texts in Matthew which you might find useful.

Preaching on the Infancy Narratives

Jesus wasn't born in a stable

Did Epiphany really happen?

Matthew's Account of Palm Sunday

The meaning of the sheep and the goats (Matthew 25)

Making sense of Matthew 24

The poetic structure of Jesus' pedagogy

The poetry of the Lord's Prayer

Does Matthew'south account of Judas contradict Luke's?

If you take favourite or specially helpful resources on Matthew, comment beneath, and I tin add them to the listing here.

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